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Plugged In

In this busy life we have so much technology available to us. All kinds of gadgets that are designed to make our lives easier. There are “smart” devices out there that can make their owners feel dumb. The jury is still out for me about cell phones. They are certainly convenient, keep us informed, Siri answers questions and does chores, you can be reached almost anywhere, and the list goes on. However, you can allow this device to take you hostage, rightly called “cell” phone.

What an incredible change the computer has made with all the things it can do. How I wished this device was around when I was in college. The transistor radio was a big thing to me.

There are endless gadgets, tools, machinery, devices out there, but most of them have one thing in common; a power source is needed to function properly. The power source may be electricity, batteries, gasoline etc. It is interesting that the power outlet does not move in my house, but the plugs get pulled and if away from the power source for any length of time, the device does not work.

A child of God is also dependent on a power source if they are to be useful to their owner. Between God our Father, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit that points us to truth provides the ultimate power source. As if that were not enough, in Acts 1:8 Jesus promises the Baptism in the Holy Spirit stating, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In this context, the Greek language interprets “power” as “dunamai.” Such adjectives listed for this “dunamai” are miraculous power, ability, might, a spirit of strength, force, mighty deeds, authority, and one-half page of more adjectives.

Our goal is to stay plugged in to the power source that never moves and loved charged disciples.

Pastor Ruth Kaunley



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