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It Is Finished

John 19:30

When he had sipped the sour wine, he said, “It is finished, my bride!”

The last words that Jesus spoke was not saying His life was over. But, the Greek word that Jesus used was - tetelestai. This was a common word used by merchants and its meaning is “The price is all paid.”

Wow, the chills that get reading the meaning of His last words. His sacrifice, His pain, His life, all so I could have what I do not deserve. With my sin, I should have been the one on the cross, but He made the great exchange. He paid the debt that I could not pay. By Him saying it is finished, He was freeing me from the bondage, freeing me from the pain, and declaring that I am no longer a slave, but my debt has been paid.

Let us remember that Jesus was not speaking this to His father, but He was saying this to His bride. Our debt is paid, “It is Finished.”

Pastor Benaiah Snider


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