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Hunger and Thirst Part 3

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Matthew 5:6

We often sing the song “Cornerstone” in our church services. The verses of the song have deep meaning and it would benefit us to meditate on the words. The definition of the word “cornerstone” is a stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls. Without the cornerstone, the walls will not stand. It is a basic part of the wall and yet the structure depends on that stone. Our lives are the same. Christ is the cornerstone of our life. Our success and very existence depends on Him.

The very first verse of the song points us directly to Jesus’ blood and righteousness. The very thing we must “hunger and thirst” after continually.

My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly trust in Jesus name.

Christ alone cornerstone, weak made strong in the Savior’s love.

Through the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all.

The song goes on to say, His covenant, His blood, support me in the overwhelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. Above everything else we should seek God and His righteousness. He is our “staying” power. He is our “sustaining” power. Through the power of Christ, bondage is broken, strongholds are released, and healing takes place.

Let’s hunger like Moses in Exodus 33:13: Now then, if I have found favor in Your sight in any way, please let me know your ways so that I may know you.

Let’s thirst like the psalmist in Psalm 63:3: Because Your favor is better than life, my lips will praise You. So I will bless You as long as I live.

I will leave you with my favorite verse:

When He shall come with trumpet sound. Oh, may I then in Him be found.

Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless, stand before the throne.

Christ alone cornerstone, weak made strong in the Savior’s love.

Through the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all.

Pastor Julia Scott


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