“He is the God Most High and God Most Nigh”
Many years ago, at Central Bible College there was an outstanding student by the name
of Mark Batterson. His name may be recognized as author of many Christian
bestsellers or Pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC., wonderful
speaker and one of my favorite wordsmiths. The thoughts that follow are credited
Pastor Batterson.
“God is the Almighty One. But he is also Immanuel. If you want a balanced picture
of God, you’ve got to compare and contrast those two names. He is God Most
High and God Most Nigh. He exists outside time and space. He is also Immanuel—God
with us.” What an amazing truth!
“God entered space-time 2,000 years ago in a tiny village outside Jerusalem called
Bethlehem. Galatians 4:4 says, “When the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born
of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive
the full rights as sons.”
Think about this, this sweet baby Jesus tenderly placed in a wooden manager, would
grow up and die on a cruel wooden cross. In other words, “He (Jesus) became nothing
so that we could become something.” Jesus gave his life so that we might have
everlasting life. Talk about the ultimate gift exchange, this tops them all. So, this
Christmas as you pass out presents, please reflect on the one Christ gave you.
Pastor Ruth Kaunley