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Gods Uses a Fast to Establish You

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.  Colossians 2:6-7 (NASB)


If you are a Christian, you know how the story is going to end.  You have read about Joseph and Daniel and know that God delivers them.  It is important that we don’t let knowing the end of the story keep us from seriously considering what they went through.  They were people just like us with fears, doubts, hurt feelings and their own plans.  Tests in life are critical in order for us to be positioned to have the kind of faith that will establish us in God.  This fast may be a test for you.  The Bible teaches us to come to God just as we are.  It is God who can work in our lives to establish a strong foundation. 


Spend time in the Bible and you will see that our role models prayed not for themselves but for God’s glory and to further His work.  God doesn’t forgive us or free us from bondage so we can be happy and go about our lives.  His purpose is for His service.  If we are going to allow this fast to “establish” us, we are going to have to continue to grow.  To be established, God’s purpose will need to be our very foundation.  As we spend more time in prayer and in God’s Word worry and fear will leave us.  God does not want us to be oppressed.  This fast will help you experience the release of God’s miraculous provision and divine protection.  As you experience those blessings in your life you will become more grounded or “rooted”.


This fast will help prepare your heart for God so you can be solidly grounded on the foundation of God and His faithfulness.  Life as we know it is instable and shaky with lots of disappointment and heartache.  Let your prayer be to step on solid ground.  To be rooted in God and His righteousness not what the world has to offer.  Lean on Him in times of uncertainty ask Him to firmly establish you. 


My heart is steadfast, O God.  Psalm 108:1


Bible Reading:  Psalm 108:1-6


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