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Fasting - The Ultimate Expression of Praise

Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord. Praise the name of the Lord. Psalm 113:1 (NASB)

When we give praise, we express admiration. We say good things or write good things. Our actions show respect and love. What we do and say makes it evident that we are grateful. Our actions and words bring honor. Let them praise Your great and awesome name; Holy is He (Psalm 99:3 NASB).

God is worthy of our praise. The children sing a song that puts it like this, (He is our) creator, provider, protector, savior and king. God is also our healer, judge and defender. How is it possible that someone who does all those things for us, slips our mind? I know I am guilty of letting the day get away from me. At times, I let things of the world take up my time and thoughts by spending time on things that won’t last. What is interesting to note is that even when the day has gotten away from me or when I find myself in a stressful, frustrating situation, if I stop and praise the Lord, a peace will automatically fill me. Satan wants to devour us and tries to persuade us that we can “handle things” ourselves. Our praise is the strategy we need to defeat the enemy. I believe there is no greater time that Satan will try to distract and influence you than when you are committed fully to a fast. Satan even believes his own lies. Satan has no doubt that God exists but he also believes handling things his own way is the answer and he wants you to believe it too.

You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe and shudder, James 2:19. Yes, the demons believe but the Bible tells us they shudder. Their body trembles and shakes. Why? Fear. They fear the power you have through prayer. Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall before you by the sword Leviticus 26. Praise ushers in the very presence of God and in His presence, no enemy can or will stand. Fasting is the ultimate expression of praise. It is a time to realize we are not self-sufficient. “Our way” is not the right way. It is a time to realize we are dependent on God and He is the one in control. This expression of praise is the spiritual tool to help you develop a closer relationship with your Creator. Yield your life and will to His design. Sacrifice daily that which you crave physically and replace it with a spiritual hunger to spend time in the presence of God. Praise Him with your commitment to this fast. Praise Him with your words and actions. Humble your heart and sing His praise for He is worthy!

My mouth is filled with Your praise and with Your glory all day long. Psalm 71:8 (NASB)

Bible Reading: James 4, Psalm 100



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