A Baby Changes Everything
There is absolutely nothing like a new born baby. Their innocence; their frailty & vulnerability coming into the world we live, after leaving the safety of the warm, all providing womb of their past 9 months of life. Their soft warm breath; the tiny grip of their fingers on yours; their sweet little voice as they exercise their lungs for the very first time; their little eyes looking, even though they can not focus yet to see the world about them.
A Baby, The Miracle of Life itself!
For a season in California where I lived, I was a birthing Doula for young girls in our church who had been sadly shamed, embarrassed and temporarily shunned by their families & friends becoming pregnant out of wedlock.
I became their birthing coach & mentor during their pregnancy & delivery. The biggest challenge with the girls that I faced was to lead them through the process of forgiveness. To forgive those who only offered hurtful words, opinions & shame that was brought upon them throughout their pregnancy, because when the baby would be born, that precious little baby would melt every heart of her friends & her family. All would quickly forget the wounding & pain inflicted on the mother of the baby. However, those verbal & emotional wounds of the past 9 months would turn to strongholds of bitterness & disdain if she could not forgive each and every word by laying them at foot of the cross covered in the blood of Jesus. Forgiveness brings freedom & victory.
Throughout biblical history, a baby changed everything many, many times. I think of Issac, Moses, Joseph son of Jacob, Samuel, & many more. One baby in history changed everything as well, everything beyond life as we know it. For that baby came to “be life itself & to give life more abundantly” His name is JESUS!
Isaiah 9:6-7 “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace Of the increase of His government & peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David & upon His kingdom, to order it, & to establish it with judgement & with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of host will perform this.”
“He is Jehovah, The Messiah, Mighty God & King; Bread of Life, Light in the darkness; Fountain of Living water, that never shall run dry; Provider & Friend. Angels called Him Jesus born of a virgin; Mary called Him Jesus & laid Him in a manger, but I call Him Lord”. Lyrics by Mark Lowry.
Not long ago we celebrated Christmas, Jesus! Happy, Happy Birthday Sweet Jesus. Thank you for leaving the Glory of Heaven to be born as son of man; For going to the Cross & for the Blood that will never lose its power. Thank you for the power of Forgiveness, where would any of us be without it. We lift our arms fully stretched up to you to give you Thanks, Praise, Worship & Glory!
Kathlene Delgado-Powel