My Father's House
The smell of fresh baked bread or the sweet aroma of cinnamon rolls right from the oven. For many people this brings back the memories of their mom or grandmother. For me, it brings back memories of my father’s house. It wasn’t that my mother couldn’t cook, because she could and did. It was the fact that my father had a passion for cooking, especially baking. He loved to see the smile on people’s faces or hear them say, “hmmmmm” when they tasted something he had prepared. Now that my father is gone I miss those days. Trips to my father’s house was always an event. When I look in the mirror there are times I think that maybe the nut did not fall far from the tree. I love to cook. Even though my earthly father is gone, I still have a heavenly father who loves to make me happy. He gives me some of the most wonderful things and asks for so little in return. He loves it when I stop and take the time to call him just to say, “Good morning,” or to thank Him for the things He has blessed me with. I would encourage each of you to make a call or take the time to see your earthly father during this Father’s Day season. If your father has already gone home, remember him. Make memories with your family but most of all remember your Heavenly Father. Like the words from the old song says, “Come and go with me to my Father’s House, there is peace, peace peace.” You are always welcome there!
For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son asks break, will he give him a stone? Matthew 7:8 & 9