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“Yucky-poo, yucky-poo, Jamall’s yucky-poo,” two-year-old Lacy announced to the other children.

I had placed one-year-old Jamaal on the floor to change his dirty diaper when Lacy came over to look. Immediately the three other children, whom I baby-sat, also repeated the proclamation. The atmosphere of the room had changed from laughter and talk about the toys to describing the Jamaal’s condition.

“All right everyone, he’s clean now, go back to your toys,” I encouraged.

In thinking about the incident, I realized that I and other adults have indulged in telling “yucky-poo” stories, too. “John lost his job because of not getting to work on time,” we may report. “Susan was checking her email during church service.” “Martha is so critical no one wants to be around her.” “Did you know Bill cussed out his son’s math teacher?”

Usually when we report a “yucky-poo” situation, others around us join in with their similar reports about the same person or others. The atmosphere of our conversation changes to a superior attitude, as if we were never without fault.

Overlooking other’s mistakes is an act of grace on our part, for we know it’s only by God’s grace that we are forgiven.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV)

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