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Mighty Warriors for Christ

In Judges 6:12, when the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, He said, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior."

I am convinced that Gideon must have looked around and thought, "Who is He talking to? Are you talking to me? No, no, you're not talking to me. Surely you're not talking to me. "This man was lacking in faith; this man was lacking in vision; this man was lacking in courage; this man was lacking in credentials. He was lacking in background; he was lacking in preparation. This man was hiding and threshing some wheat so he could feed his father. This man felt defeated and negative and hopeless, and God loved it because He can do something with that!

Why did the Lord call him "mighty warrior"? Because that's how He saw Gideon. The Lord sees you as you can be, not what you are. The Lord sees you with the potential that He has for you. The Lord sees you in the context of your dependence on His resources, not your human inadequacy. God saw Gideon as he was going to be and do, not what he was. Why? So, everyone would know exactly by whose power they were delivered—by the hand of the Lord.

How many of us are busy limiting God? How many of us are limiting His work in us because of our past? Don't allow the past to be a ball and chain holding you back from doing great things for God. God wants to use you today. Will you let Him?

Prayer: God, thank You for creating the potential in me—for filling me with Your strength though I am but an ordinary jar of clay. Help me to remember that You are not limited by my human inadequacies or my past. Use me today, Lord. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power" (Ephesians 6:10). Remember today that God has called you to be a Mighty Warrior for Him!

Have a blessed day! Pastor Chris Rich

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