There are No Prenups for the Bride of Christ
Earlier this week a young man named Matthew walked into my office and asked if I could look over a Prenuptial Agreement that his fiancé’s...
Children in Your Arena of Influence
And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was...
Have you ever been to a gas station or a grocery store when they have buy one get one half off? Or if you buy a hot dog for 2 bucks you...
Consider Him
Lord, I keep running thru my head the many wonderful things You avail to us, for making decisions on a regular basis concerning our daily...
God's Blueprints
Blueprints fascinate me. When I see a set rolled out, I have to look through them. I don’t know how to read them, but I still flip...